
Frequently Asked Questions about SMC³ Solutions

Answers to the most common application support questions by product can be found here. Simply click on the relevant product below. If you still have a question, we’ll be glad to help.

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Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or Higher - Requirements and Endpoint Testing

How does this update affect me?

  • If you are accessing our online applications or web services using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), you will be required to update these endpoints to HTTPS and TLS 1.2 or higher.
  • If you are using any locally installed applications such as CzarLite Windows Rater, this update does not affect you.
  • If you are already accessing our online applications or web services using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) with TLS 1.2 or higher and receiving good results, you are not affected.

What can I do to prepare?

  • Ensure you are using the latest version of a supported web browser (i.e., Edge and Chrome).
  • For those accessing SMC³ web services using HTTP in their TMS or internal application, we have prepared test endpoints below to verify your services will not be affected by moving to HTTPS. If you have specific questions about your TMS configuration, please contact your TMS provider.

Test Endpoints

Click on your product(s) below to see the endpoints URL(s):

What should I do if I am unable to connect to the test endpoints?

  • Engage your networking team to ensure TLS 1.2 or later is being utilized in your environment. Contact your TMS or solution provider for application specific TLS configuration questions.
  • Contact SMC³ Application Support to ensure your configuration has all the necessary components needed to connect to our web services.

Have questions?

Contact Application Support at or call 800.272.3425.

BatchMark® XL

Why is my user floor not applying?

Please ensure a mcDiscount is being passed. BMXL compares the shipment Net Charge to the discounted Minimum Charge, if the Minimum Charge is higher than the Net Charge the Minimum Charge will apply. However, if the calculated Minimum Charge totals less than the Floor, the Floor Charge will apply.

How do I eliminate TruckLoad Deficit Rating?

Pass 20000 in the stopAlternationWeight column to turn off the 20K weight level and higher.

Why is my LTL surcharge not applying?

Check the Billed Weight column in the response file. If the billed weight is 20K or greater (which is a TL in BMXL) you will need to pass a TL surcharge as well as a LTL surcharge.

Why are no rates returned?

Check the Error Code column in the response file, correct and re-rate.

Error 28 or 29 returned

Please ensure the originCountry and destinationCountry arguments have the correct code: USA, MEX, or CAN.

CarrierConnect® XL 1.0

What is the CarrierConnect® XL 1.0 release schedule?

Download the CarrierConnect® XL 1.0 release schedule here.

Can I a get special release of carrier transit data outside of the standard scheduled releases?

You can request a special release by submitting this form.

I’m returned a 12000135 error when running GetTerminalDetailsByPostalCode request. What is the cause of this error?

12000135: The SCAC supplied is invalid. A valid NMFTA SCAC must be passed in a GetTerminals or GetTerminalDetailsByPostalCode request to avoid errors.

I want to use a carrier that does not participate in the CCXL 1.0 service guide data. Can you add them?

If a carrier you want to use does not participate in our CCXL 1.0 service guide data, please contact for more information on having them added.

I want transit information returned for several carriers for one lane. Do I have to run a separate request for each SCAC?

In the Transit method, multiple (valid) NMFTA SCACs can be passed to return transit information for desired carriers for a particular lane.

I do not or have not received my CCXL 1.0 password. How or when will I receive it?

Once your CCXL 1.0 account is setup, you will receive two emails: one with your username and license key and a 2nd with your password from that will be used in your authentication token. Be sure to check your spam email in case it was sent there.

When using the Transit method, what should I enter in the “method” field?

The “method” argument (in GetTerminals, GetTerminalDetailsByPostalCode and Transit methods) refers to “LTL” for less than truckload or “TL” for truckload.

Can I pass several zip codes in the GetTerminalDetailsByPostalCode method request?

Yes, using the GetTerminalDetailsByPostalCode method allows you to pass multiple SCACs (valid NMFTA SCAC) with multiple zip codes in one request.

Will CCXL 1.0 return transit information for all carriers that service a particular lane?

Yes, if no SCAC is passed into a Transit method request, all available carriers that service the lane will be returned.

Will my RateWareXL authentication token work for CCXL 1.0?

No, the license key will be different for CCXL 1.0, however, the username and password will remain the same.

How soon is new service guide data available? I know that a particular carrier supplied SMC³ with new service guide data yesterday.

CCXL 1.0 will continue to be updated on the release schedule of the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month with the exception of special releases.

Why would my carrier’s website show different transit time information than CCXL 1.0?

SMC³ relies on carriers to provide us with their most updated transit time information. If you experience this scenario, we encourage you to contact our tech support at

My carrier delivers every Tuesday to a postal code that is in a remote location, why does CCXL 1.0 report this lane as not serviced by this carrier?

CCXL 1.0 does not contain the logic to process limited pick up/deliver days for a particular zip code. In cases where the carrier only services a zip code on certain days, the carrier will decide the information it provides to SMC³.

Can I see if a particular carrier serviced a particular lane several years ago?

No, CCXL 1.0 provides only current service guide data.

Are the CCXL 1.0 service guide data releases automatically loaded into the web service or is there something we have to do manually?

CCXL 1.0 web service data is hosted and maintained/updated by SMC³ – there is no local installation required.

Does transit time returned by CCXL 1.0 take non-work days, like weekends, into account?

CCXL 1.0 transit times reflect the service guide data provided by carriers to SMC³. It is the carrier’s discretion as to the data they provide SMC³ with regards to their business rules.

Where is the terminal’s fax number in CCXL 1.0?

Terminal’s fax numbers are not available in CCXL 1.0.

My application shows transit time in hours. Does CCXL 1.0 return transit time in hours or days?

CCXL 1.0 returns transit time in days.

How do I prevent some SCACs from being excluded in the CCXL 1.0 response when I use a Postal Code + 4 for the origin or destination in the request?

Eliminate the +4 part of the postal code from the request. Using just a 5-digit postal code (6 for Canada) will ensure all possible SCACs are included in the response.

CarrierConnect® XL 2.0

Will I be able to return detailed terminal information such as fax #’s and/or email addresses?

Yes, the TerminalByTerminalCode method is designed for customers wanting to get specific terminal information such as toll free and fax #, email address and contact name.

Does CCXL 2.0 provide a method to assist customer’s wanting to schedule transit (pickup and delivery) according to the carrier’s work week schedule?

The TransitWithShipmentDateWindow method was specifically designed for that purpose. It uses the requested pickup and delivery windows within the request in conjunction with the carrier’s work week and holiday schedule to calculate calendar transit times for the shipment. One of the new features of CCXL 2.0 is the addition of pickup and delivery windows. The purpose of these windows is to manage the pickup and delivery transit times that are returned by each carrier.

Will I be able to distinguish between carrier’s service methods when making a transit request in CCXL 2.0?

Yes, CCXL 2.0 provides the ability to filter responses based on a carrier supplied service codes (i.e. Standard-LTL) and methods (i.e. LTL, TL). Calling the AvailableCarriers method will return the full list of codes and methods for each carrier.

Will CCXL 2.0 provide any ability for the customer to run historical transit requests?

CCXL 2.0 will provide the ability to return historical transit information. The initial release of CCXL 2.0 will contain historical data as far back as 12/17/2013. Going forward, SMC³ will keep a rolling three year window of historical data. This shipment date will determine the data set being used for the return of transit information. Note: The shipment date attribute is used in the TerminalByCarriers, TerminalsByTerminalCode and TransitWithShipmentDate web methods.

The CCXL 2.0 manual references a “data group.” What is a data group?

A data group is an organizational unit within CarrierConnectXL that is a collection of transit, workweek, and holiday calendar data. That collection is stored in CarrierConnectXL by its effective dates, service and method. These attributes are used to correctly select the data group that is returned.

Are weekends included in the transit days returned?

The TransitWithShipmentDateWindow method utilizes calendar and work week schedules (provided by the data provider) to return minimum and maximum calendar days.

Does CCXL support Saturday pick up/delivery (when applicable)?

Data providers have the ability to add day of week scheduling to control pick up, delivery, and freight movement for each day of the week.

Some carriers define various cities to one zip code. Does CCXL 2.0 support multiple cities assigned to on zip code?

Yes. Data providers have the ability to assign multiple cities with different service days and terminals to one zip code. The city will need to be passed in the TransitWithShipmentDate request to utilize this feature.

Will CCXL 2.0 return transit times that take into account a carrier’s holiday scheduling?

Yes, data providers have the ability to add holiday scheduling to control pick up, delivery, and freight movement. If the data is provided to SMC³, CCXL 2.0 has the ability to return transit times that reflect work-week exceptions such as holidays.

If an error code is received in the response from CCXL 2.0, will we have to follow up with a second call to the web service to request information about that error code?

No, in CCXL 2.0 the Status Code element is returned in each response containing a status code of PASS or FAIL, resolution, reference number, and message. Upon a FAIL status code, detailed information is supplied in those fields to use for diagnosing the error condition.

I’m upgrading from CCXL 1.0 to 2.0. Do I use the same WSDL and same Endpoint for use in my client application?

I’m responsible for configuring failover of the endpoint used by my client application that calls CCXL 2.0, are there datacenter-specific DNS entries available?

Yes, the datacenter-direct DNS entries are:,,

I’m responsible for writing the code needed by the client application that calls CCXL 2.0, are there any code examples available to aid development?

Yes, our SDK’s, (Software Development Kit), code examples have been created in Java (Axis1, Axis2, JAX-WS, and TCP/IP) and Windows (C#, VB.NET). A SoapUI project has also been included with an example of each CarrierConnectXL 2.0 web method call. Contact sales (800) 845-8090 to get the process started with a free proof of concept.

I want to use a carrier that does not participate in the CCXL 2.0 service guide data. Can you add them?

If a carrier or other data provider you want to use does not participate in our CCXL 2.0 service guide data, please contact for more information about having them added.

I want transit information returned for several carriers for a single lane. Do I have to run a separate request for each SCAC?

No, in the TransitWithShipmentDate and TransitWithShipmentDateWindow methods, multiple (valid) NMFTA SCACs may be passed to return transit information for desired carriers for a particular lane.

How do I format the date-time, Input Window Values in my CCXL 2.0 request?

CCXL 2.0 follows the ISO 8601 International Standard for the representation of dates and times. (CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z](+/-)hh:mm]) Example: 2014-06-03T00:00:00.000-05:00. We introduced the usage of date-time including time zone capabilities as a future enhancement for time based LTL transit calculation. SMC³ recommends that all web service clients use the actual origin shipment date and time for any requests passed into the system.


How do I uninstall the program?

To Uninstall the System follow the instructions below:
  1. Click the Start button, select Settings, and then select Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs item.
  3. On the Install/Uninstall tab, select CzarLite® from the list of installed items.
  4. Click the Add/Remove button to uninstall the selected item.

How do I install the program ?

The system is distributed on a CD. Before installing the system, make sure that all applications are closed. These instructions assume that the hard disk is the C:\ drive, and the CD ROM drive is the D:\ drive. If the computer system uses other designations for its drives, adjust these instructions accordingly. When the license agreement appears in the install, you must answer yes for the install to continue.

Insert the CD into the CD ROM drive.
If CD starts automatically, start with Step 3, otherwise start with Step 1.

  1. Click the Start Button, and then select Run. The Run prompt appears.
  2. Type D:\SETUP, then click OK to continue.
  3. The installation program launches and the Welcome Screen will appear. Follow the prompts on the screen and click the Next button.
  4. The Choose Destination Screen will appear. Follow the prompts on the screen. To accept the default as the destination directory, click Next to continue.
  5. Reboot the computer before running the program.

The Discount Boxes in Settings are not displayed correctly. How do I correct this issue?

The DPI setting causes this issue.
To correct this issue:
  1. Right click on the Desktop, and then click on the Properties.
  2. Go to the Settings Tab, and click on the Advanced Button.
  3. The DPI setting: needs to be set to Normal size (96 DPI). If the Large Size or Custom setting is selected then the Screen is not displayed properly.

A “Fatal error: unable to generate Profile” is returned when attempting to launch the program. How do I correct?

CzarLite® creates a file called profile.fil. If the error “Fatal error: unable to generate PRO file” is returned after pressing the Enter key at the Splash screen, the user does not have write access to the program directory.
To correct the issue:
  1. The admin must login to the machine
  2. Right click the program parent folder
  3. Go to Properties
  4. Select the Security tab
  5. Highlight User
  6. Give the User write and modify permission to the folder

What do I do when I am returned the message “Fatal Error 0 Loading Function Library” when attempting to launch the program?

The PC will need to be upgraded to Windows 98 2nd edition or higher.

What are the minimum requirements?

Pentium II 200 MHz
64 MB of memory
9MB Hard Drive Space
800 x 600 High Color (16 bit)
Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 2 or greater)

How do I determine the version of CzarLite?

Launch the program, click HELP in the tool bar and select ABOUT from the dropdown menu.

I have FAK tiers, how can I set them up within the rating system?

Perform the following steps:
  1. Select Options
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select the FAK Tiers tab at the top of the screen
  4. Click the box to the left of Use FAK Class Tiers to turn on/off this feature
  5. Make the appropriate changes to the class tiers
  6. Select Save
  7. A prompt will appear: Setting Updated. Do you wish to exit?
  8. Select the required response

How do I setup a Zip Specific Discount?

Click on Options, Settings, and then Discounts.

Check the box and click on the edit button. You have the option of setting Zips (Zip Code to Zip Code), or States (State to State) specific discounting, or a combination of both. If your discounts do not encompass the entire state, you must use Zips (Zip Code to Zip Code) specific entry.

If you select Zips, type the low end of a 5-digit ZIP Code range in the ZIP Code field, and the high end of the range in the Range field for the Origin and Destination zips. (If the specific discount is for a single Zip Code, type the same 5-digit Zip Code in both fields.) Enter in the discounts in the fields on the right. Then click the Add button. You may add more zip ranges, or State-to-State discounts, or close the window by clicking Close.

If you select States, click the arrow and a drop-down list of states will appear. Select the state you want for the origin and the destination. Enter in the discounts in the field on the right. Then click the Add button.

What is the difference between Apply to Rates/ Charges when discounting and how do I set this option?

Click on Options, Settings, and then Discounts.

This item allows you to toggle between discounting by Rates or Charges. The default setting is “Charges”. You can activate this feature from Options – Settings – Discounts – Application.

When you discount the Charges, the system multiplies the weight of the shipment by the actual rate to get a Gross Charge. It then multiplies the Gross Charge by the discount percentage to get a discount amount, and then subtracts that amount from the Gross Charge to obtain a Net Charge. The system shows you the dollar amounts for the Gross Charge, the Discount Amount, and the Net Charge on screen.

When you discount Rates, the system multiplies the base rate by the discount percentage to obtain a Discounted Rate. The system multiplies the weight of the shipment by the discounted rate to obtain the Net Charge. The system does not show the discount percentage – it only shows the discounted rate itself and uses it to calculate the Net Charge.

How do I set up the program to prompt me for a discount each time I rate?

This feature found under Options – Settings – Discounts – Prompt Discounts allows you to rate with different discounts instead of a set discount.

When this feature is activated, a field pops up on the Rating Screen that allows you to type in the discount that applies for the current shipment. You may also enter an MC Discount and an MC Floor.

To turn ON/OFF Prompt for Discount, you can either change your Setting found under Options – Settings – Discount, or you can toggle Use Discounts OFF/ON from the drop-down menu under Options. Or, you can toggle the Discount button OFF/ON on the toolbar.

Note: Zip specific discounts/floors will take precedence over Prompt discounts/floors.

How do I setup a Constant Discount?

Perform the following steps:
  1. Select Options
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select the Discount tab at the top of the screen
  4. Select Use under the Constant Discount section
  5. Select Edit to the right of the Use box
  6. Populate the weight break fields with the appropriate discounts as well as the MC Floor amounts (if applicable)
  7. After entering the appropriate information, select Close
  8. Select Save
  9. A prompt will appear: Setting Updated. Do you wish to exit?
  10. Select required response

What are Accessorial Charges and how do I use them?

Accessorial Charges are charges for services rendered by a carrier in addition to transportation services, such as notification, COD, hazardous materials, redelivery, residential pickup and delivery, inside pickup and delivery, and others.

Find this option under Options – Rating Prompts. To turn this option on/off, go to Options – Rating Prompts and check the box in front of Prompt for Accessorial. To remove the Accessorial Charges, de-select Prompt for Accessorial. Click OK.

If you select this feature, an Accessorial box appears on the Rating Screen. When the Accessorial box appears, key in the amount of the Accessorial Charge, if required, for that shipment and the system adds the total amount to the Net Charge.

How do I print my rating screen?

The Print Setup must be completed first.
Click on File and Print Setup.
Click on the box to Print All Rating Screens.
Select either Printer or File.
If you select Printer and click OK, the printer properties window will display. Choose a printer and click OK. Then just click on the print button.

If you select File, you will need to enter a file name with a .prt extension. The file will be sent to the application’s home directory. From there you can open it with Notepad, Word, etc.
This feature allows you to retain your shipment information in a format for easy viewing. Use Export Shipment to store information for use in databases, spreadsheets, and other applications.

I want to add a shipment identification to my rates. How do I do that?

Click on Options and Rating Prompts.

Prompt for Shipment ID allows you to add an identifier, such as an account number, a pro number, a date, or any number, word, or phrase that can identify a shipment.

When you check this field to activate this feature, a field pops up on the Rating Screen that allows you to type in an alphanumeric set of characters as an identifier for the current shipment.

What is the Rate Adjustment Factor?

This feature allows you to adjust the rates that the system uses by a specific multiplier. One application for this feature is to create scenarios for the rates based on anticipated increases or decreases.

Click on Options and then Rating Prompts.

When you select this Rating Prompts item, the cursor moves into the numerical field to the right. Type in the applicable numerical value and press ENTER. To reduce the rates, make the number less than one (e.g. 0.9800). To increase rates, make the number greater than one (e.g. 1.0500). The default is 1.0000.

What is CanadaLite?

CanadaLite is a CzarLite® application that rates US to Canada.

What is MexicoLite?

MexicoLite is a CzarLite® application that rates US to Mexico.

What is CzarLite® International North America?

CzarLite® International North America is a CzarLite® application that rates US to US, US to Canada, US to Mexico and Canada to Mexico.

Are there any patches/updates required for your products to accommodate the new March 11, 2007 Daylight Savings Time?

SMC³ products do not require updates or patches for the new Daylight Savings Time.

RateWare® XL

Why is my user floor not applying?

Please ensure a mcDiscount argument is being passed. RWXL compares the shipment Net Charge to the discounted Minimum Charge, if the Minimum Charge is higher than the Net Charge the Minimum Charge will apply. However, if the calculated Minimum Charge totals less than the Floor, the Floor Charge will apply.

Error 32 Tariff Not Found

If you have verified the correct tariffName is being passed, please ensure the effective date of the tariff is being passed in the shipmentDateCCYYMMDD argument.

Error 28 or 29 returned

Please ensure the originCountry and destinationCountry arguments have the correct code: USA, MEX, or CAN.

How do I eliminate TruckLoad Deficit Rating?

Pass 20000 in the stopAlternationWeight argument to turn off the 20K weight level and higher.

Why is my LTL surcharge not applying?

Check the Billed Weight argument in the response file. If the billed weight is 20K or greater (which is a TL in RWXL) you will need to pass a TL surcharge as well as a LTL surcharge.

Why are no rates returned?

Check the error code arguments in the response file (there are two), correct and re-rate.

What is the stop alternation weight field used for in RateWareXL?

By sending a stop alternation weight value in your request you can control the upper weight break allowed if the shipment alternates to the next weight break. Example: entering 20000 in the stop alternation weight field will force the shipment to rate at the 10000 lbs weight break for all shipment weights above 20000 pounds.

Note: The stop alternation weight only supports weight break values of 10000 lbs or greater. Any value less than 10000 lbs will return an error code of 40.

Cost Intelligence System

CIS Customer Documents

CIS Clients can request replacement documents and videos as needed. These include:
  • User Manuals and Tutorials
  • Maintenance Manuals
  • Technical Papers:
    • Extra Costs
    • Pickup and Delivery
    • Trailer Pools
    • Prospective Costs and Performance
    • Dock Handling
    • Linehaul
    • Tolls
    • Evaluating Operational Changes
    • Density
    • Revenue Adjustments
  • LTL Carrier User Group Videos:
    • April 2021
      • Linehaul Legs
    • October 2021
      • Customer and Interline Profiles
      • Dynamic Pricing
      • Exporting and Extracting
      • Linehaul Shipment Allocations
    • April 2022
      • Density
      • Error Messages
      • Unit Cost Improvements
      • Load Plan
      • Rate Analysis
    • October 2022
      • Adjustments to Cube
      • Explaining Linehaul
      • Extra Costs
      • Help Requests
      • Input Items
      • Monthly Processing
    • April 2023
      • Shipment File Editing
      • Costing Truckloads
      • Service Points
      • Direct vs. Overhead
      • Purchased Transportation
    • November 2023
      • CIS Interfaces
      • Managing Multiple Models
      • Month-End Reports
      • Pickup and Delivery
      • Traffic Report Design
    • April 2024
      • Claims
      • Dock Handling
      • Customer Analyses
      • Fuel Cost
      • Revenue Scenarios
  • TL/Load-to-Ride Carrier User Group Videos:
    • June 2021
      • Time Basis Costs
      • Managing Multiple Models
      • Monthly Reconciliation
      • Traffic Statistics and Unit Costs
    • June 2022
      • Extra Costs
      • Fuel Cost
      • Report Writer
      • System Messages
      • Trailer Costs
    • June 2023
      • Driver Pay
      • Month-End Reports
      • Cost Freight Program
      • Lanes
      • Unit Cost Improvements
    • June 2024
      • Balance and Empty Costs
      • Customer Analyses
      • Settings and Parameters
      • Vehicle Cost
      • When Freight Bills Aren’t Loads

Clients can request these by contacting either or depending on your system.