Weekly Fuel Prices

EIA Weekly Regional Diesel Fuel Prices

Each Tuesday morning, we post U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price data-based on published data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) for easy customer access.*

*In the case of a federal holiday, SMC³ will post the data on the next following business day. The U.S. National Average On-Highway Diesel Price is announced by the EIA Monday at 4 p.m.

  • East Coast
  • New England
  • Central
  • Lower Atlantic
  • Gulf Coast
  • Midwest
  • Rockies
  • West Coast
  • California
  09/16 09/09 09/02 08/26 08/19
National Average 3.526 3.555 3.625 3.651 3.688
East Coast 3.585 3.619 3.686 3.725 3.757
New England 3.818 3.871 3.919 3.969 4.019
Central Atlantic 3.810 3.847 3.908 3.920 3.935
Lower Atlantic 3.479 3.508 3.580 3.628 3.664
Gulf Coast 3.172 3.190 3.265 3.317 3.355
Mid West 3.481 3.528 3.613 3.627 3.674
Rockies 3.588 3.567 3.590 3.608 3.650
West Coast 4.244 4.257 4.293 4.272 4.294
California 4.733 4.739 4.749 4.707 4.739
National Average 3.526
East Coast 3.585
New England 3.818
Central Atlantic 3.810
Lower Atlantic 3.479
Gulf Coast 3.172
Mid West 3.481
Rockies 3.588
West Coast 4.244
California 4.733
National Average 3.555
East Coast 3.619
New England 3.871
Central Atlantic 3.847
Lower Atlantic 3.508
Gulf Coast 3.190
Mid West 3.528
Rockies 3.567
West Coast 4.257
California 4.739
National Average 3.625
East Coast 3.686
New England 3.919
Central Atlantic 3.908
Lower Atlantic 3.580
Gulf Coast 3.265
Mid West 3.613
Rockies 3.590
West Coast 4.293
California 4.749
National Average 3.651
East Coast 3.725
New England 3.969
Central Atlantic 3.920
Lower Atlantic 3.628
Gulf Coast 3.317
Mid West 3.627
Rockies 3.608
West Coast 4.272
California 4.707
National Average 3.688
East Coast 3.757
New England 4.019
Central Atlantic 3.935
Lower Atlantic 3.664
Gulf Coast 3.355
Mid West 3.674
Rockies 3.650
West Coast 4.294
California 4.739

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